Newhaven Business Rates Relief

Business Rate Relief


The Enterprise Zone brings with it a number of benefits for occupiers within the eight designated sites. These include:

  • Business rates discount worth up to £275,000 per business over a maximum of five years, subject to State Aid De Minimis thresholds
  • No pre-application charges for planning enquiries on employment-led schemes
  • Dedicated support and advice from Coast to Capital LEP, SELEP as well as Lewes District Council’s Regeneration & Investment team

Business Rate Relief Application Form

Each application will be assessed by the Newhaven Enterprise Zone team.

  1. The extent to which your organisation fits with the overall ambitions for the Enterprise Zone.
  2. The level of investment being made by your organisation in Newhaven.
  3. The level of employment created / safeguarded, as well as a clear commitment to creating employment, apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities for local residents.
  4. The plans for the expansion / growth of your organisation over the short and longer-terms.
  5. State Aid De Minimis regulations and threshold levels.

Business Rate Relief Guidance Notes

These notes explain the application form in detail and advise on topics such as State Aid and eligibility.