
Grants of £100,000 available as businesses invited to invest in exciting future for Newhaven

Businesses in Newhaven and the wider Sussex region are being invited to bid for grants of up to £100,000 from Newhaven Enterprise Zone (NEZ) as part of ambitious plans for economic growth in the region.

The NEZ’s Transforming Newhaven Fund is designed to support businesses with projects that deliver regeneration in the town, create jobs and deliver new or upgraded floorspace.

The main aim of the fund is to help the town’s economy grow and to improve the health, wealth and wellbeing of residents.

Corinne Day, programme director, Newhaven Enterprise Zone, said: “This is an exciting time for Newhaven, and we are looking for businesses and regeneration schemes which share our vision, passion and belief in the region.

“Newhaven is a town with energy and a big drive to succeed, and the next three years offer a unique opportunity for businesses both in the town and in the wider region to expand their company in our town, with the added bonus of funding to help them on their journey.

“Building on the investment secured through the Town Deal, Future High Street Fund, Levelling Up Fund, Local Growth Fund and Getting Building Fund, the NEZ Transforming Newhaven Fund will provide businesses with grants or loans to deliver schemes to continue the town’s success story.”

The Transforming Newhaven Fund is a three-year funding scheme which will support transformational projects from the public and private sectors.

A maximum of £100,000 grant support is available, and the fund will also support loan and equity investment up to £200,000.

It will focus on projects which are net zero, create new, high-value and green jobs and which deliver placemaking.

Newhaven Enterprise Zone also plans to launch two further funds to boost the economy: The Newhaven Sites and Empty Property Fund and the Low Carbon Investment Fund.

Alongside the NEZ funds, businesses can also apply for the Newhaven Business Grants Programme through the Newhaven Town Deal, which will run throughout 2023.

This scheme is operated by Lewes District Council and East Sussex County Council, which are welcoming applications for 50% match-funded grants of up to £20,000, available to businesses based and trading in the Newhaven Town Deal area.

To find out more about NEZ funds and to apply, please visit 

To find out more about the Newhaven Business Grants Programme please visit:

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