About Creative Newhaven

What is Creative Newhaven?

Welcome to the Creative Newhaven group page
Developing a supportive infrastructure to harness Newhaven’s creative talent & potential for the town’s benefit.

Here you will find information about the group and how we are supporting creativity in Newhaven.


In 2022 at least £119,000 of inward investment was attracted into the arts in Newhaven from sources other than the EZ. Read about this and the other ways that the EZ is increasing capacity and achieving regeneration through the arts in the 2022 evaluation, Executive Summary and Full Report.

Read the latest from the group’s meetings

2024 CNWG meeting dates:

3pm Wednesday 17 January – Newhaven Fort

11am Tuesday 26 March, Hillcrest Centre, Newhaven

1.30pm Friday 24 May, SCDA, Denton Island, Newhaven

11am Thursday 18 July, Towner Eastbourne

6pm Monday 16 September, Online (Teams)

2.30pm Wednesday 13 November, Hillcrest Centre, Newhaven



Meet the group

We’ve listed some of the members of the group who are all happy to be contacted about the group’s, or their work.

Art in Place Sussex, community galleries, creative spaces, public realm art, www.artinplacesussex.co.uk

Flo Bradbury (Creative Director) and Jack Idle (Managing Director), Jolly Newhaven (Opening 2023), Hours Group Ltd, Jollynewhaven.com, @jollynewhaven

Floella@jollynewhaven.com  jack@jollynewhaven.com

Helen Browning-Smith, Tourism & Arts Manager, Lewes District Council, Helen.browning-smith@lewes-eastbourne.gov.uk

Sara Clifford, Playwright &  Artistic Director and Producer, Inroads Productions, www.inroads.org.ukinroadsproductions@mac.com

Chris Cook, Chairperson, Newhaven Art & Photography Club, newhavenartclub@hotmail.comNewhaven Art Club

Lisa Fairfield, Artistic Director and Producer for Ignite Theatre, www.ignite-theatre.comhello.ignite.theatre@gmail.com, ignitefringe (fb) Ignite.company (Instagram)

Jenny Flood, Trustee, Newhaven Museum & Group Coordinator  newhavenhistory.jenny@gmail.comwww.newhavenhistoricalsociety.org.uk

Haven Young Creatives, A youth-led theatre company working with young people, havenyoungcreatives@gmail.com, @haven.youngcreatives

Angi Mariani, Producer for Latest TV Ltd, angi@thelatest.co.uk @latesttvbtn and Cathy Smith, Director, Latest Group CIC, Teacher/Facilitator on ESCG Diploma In Streaming Technologies Course making creative content for Newhaven TV, cathy@thelatest.co.uk

Ben May, Co-Director, Play On, ben@playonshaspeare.com @playonwilliam

Newhaven Art Projects, Non-profit providing opportunity through contemporary art and education, www.newhavenartprojects.co.uk, newhavenartprojects@gmail.com, @newhavenartprojects

Diets Verschuren, Trustee for Hillcrest Community Partnership, Diets@hillcrestcentre.co.uk

Nick Stockman, Newhaven Creative Producer, creative@newhavenenterprisezone.com

* The group photo does not necessarily feature all the members listed!

The Creative Workspaces Survey

Between December 2021 and January 2022 the Enterprise Zone shared a survey asking questions about demand for creative workspace in Newhaven. There were 66 respondents to the survey questions and you can read the report on their feedback here.

Find out more
Would you like to get involved or do you have a question? Get in touch with Nick at creative@newhavenenterprisezone.com.

The Makers Directory

The Makers Directory is the comprehensive directory of makers and artists working in and around Lewes, Newhaven and Eastbourne. Established to help connect directly with your local makers for mutual benefit.

Our Supporters

Massive thanks to the following companies for supporting & championing Creative Newhaven.

We salute you!